•  HOPE serves those afflicted with life's most private and personal challenges by ensuring they receive vital mental health counseling during times of financial instability or due to inadequate insurance benefits. HOPE also provides no-cost community workshops based on societal needs. ​ 

  • HOPE Mental Health Foundation is funded through donations from individuals, corporations, and grants from foundations. Please visit our website to learn more about how you can support our mission.

  • It could take several weeks to receive a response to your application. Applications are reviewed in the order they are received. Please allow up to 60 days for a response.

  • Once an application been submitted, Hope Sponsorship Committee will review each application in the order it was received. If your application is approved, you will receive an award letter. Hope will contact your therapist and ensure eligibility. Once your chosen therapist completes the onboarding process you will receive a "completed"  status and can begin sessions with your therapist. 

  •  You can contact the sponsorship department through their submittable account with a request to make changes. Or email sponsorships@hopegives.net 

  •  Funds will be distributed to your therapist directly as services are provided. Your therapist will need to bill the HOPE Foundation as instructed in provider letter.

  • When funds are depleted, you will be responsible for reapplying for more assistance at the next awarding cycle.

    PLEASE NOTE: You will be responsible for the cost of any services received if there is a lapse in coverage. 

  • Please contact the sponsorship department through your submittable account with a request to make a therapist change. Or email sponsorships@hopegives.net . 

  •  No, you will be responsible for the cost of any therapeutic services received if there is a lapse in coverage. 

  • HOPE does not pay for missed appointments. If you miss an appointment with your therapist, you will be responsible for paying any fees to your therapist. 2 or more missed appointments or no-shows can result in termination of sponsorship.

  • If there is more than a three-month break in therapeutic services paid by HOPE, any remaining funds will be expired and put back into service to be made available to others.  Sponsorships must be completed within one year of award date.

     Important: Hope Foundation operates to help families receive the mental health care they deserve. In order to help as many people as possible, sponsorships not used within any 3 month period are marked as expired and will no longer be accessible. The expiration date is determined based on the last date of service the client received paid by HOPE.    

  • You can check your application status by logging into your submittable account.

  • If you discontinue services before the awarded funds are fully distributed, please notify HOPE (sponsorships@hopegives.net) so that any remaining funds can be put back into service to be made available to others. FUNDS CAN NOT BE TRANSFERRED. 

  • You may be required to pay up a $25 copay per session to your therapist. 

  • Log into your submittable account to access your application number. 

  • Hope Mental Health Foundation limits the amount someone can receive at $3,000. Please note this does not mean sponsorships will be awarded at that amount. Funding amount varies based on available funding.  In order to help as many people as possible, the max a person can receive from HOPE is $3,000.

  • You can reapply for a sponsorship renewal at the next available cycle when your available funding is below $300.00.

     Please note: Hope Mental Health Foundation limits the amount someone can receive at $3,000. If you have received that amount from HOPE you are not eligible for renewal. 

  • HOPE requires your provider to onboard before awarding a sponsorship amount to determine the exact number of sessions awarded. This helps us avoid random left-over amounts that do not cover a full session. However, we understand that some clients like to pay more when available to help their sponsorships stretch, sometimes causing a small amount of funds left cover at the end of a sponsorships.

    Sponsorships with a remaining balance of $25.00 or less are redeemed as a completed sponsorship. 

    For example, if you have a left-over balance of $12.75, those funds are redeemed and returned to the sponsorship fund. If your sponsorship has a balance of $28.00, you can use those funds towards your next session.  

    If there is more than $25 left over you may use the funds toward a session.

    Important: You are responsible for payment of sessions after the completion of sponsorships. HOPE is not responsible for sessions if there is a lapse in coverage. HOPE will not pay the session in full.